Thursday, January 5, 2012

Life...cut throat Knife

Life, what’s there in it for you……wud u be able to know that ever..r will u be hard enough to die trying to find what’s in there……that’s the question for life on life and it takes life time to know the real answer… instead what we can do…to make it simpler…just think life as dream and try to live it as its ur ever best dream….I know dreams are not real and so life is…..where u come across people….things….relations….fantasies….all and all are unreal….so what’s real and what’s not..can we atleast answer this query and can we find some comfortness by finding answer to this…..for me anything/anyone would be real only if it/he/she…is there with u ur happiness/sad/life/death/and after death….and where do we find somebody like that…so far all of it which I came across..go apart at any certain stage..and it would be true not in my case alone..but for everybody….is that not true abt this quest goes on and on…..

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